These images show a secret visit made by Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the frontlines in Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Tuesday morning, December 20, 2022. The visit was kept under wraps until Zelensky had left the city, which has seen some of the fiercest fighting of Ukraine’s defence against Russia’s invasion in the past few months. While visiting troops, Zelenskyy honoured the soldiers with medals. In a statement, he said: ‘Bakhmut Fortress. Our people. Unconquered by the enemy. Who with their bravery prove that we will endure and will not give up what’s ours. ‘Ukraine is proud of you. I am proud of you! Thank you for the courage, resilience and strength shown in repelling the enemy attacks.’ He told troops: ‘The East is holding out because Bakhmut is fighting. This is the fortress of our morale. In fierce battles and at the cost of many lives, freedom is being defended here for all of us. ‘Bakhmut defenders deserve our maximum support and our highest gratitude. That’s why I am with them today. They are superhumans. They are our strength and our heroes.’ Editorial Use Only. Photo by Ukrainian Presidency via ABACAPRESS.COM (Bakhmut – 2022-12-20, ABACA / p.s. la foto e’ utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e’ stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate
KIEV (UCRAINA) (ITALPRESS) – “Sono in viaggio verso gli Stati Uniti per rafforzare la resilienza e le capacità di difesa dell’Ucraina”. Lo scrive in un tweet il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky confermando la sua visita a Washington e il suo incontro con Joe Biden. “In particolare, il presidente degli Stati Uniti e io parleremo della cooperazione tra l’Ucraina e gli Usa. Terrò anche un discorso al Congresso e una serie di incontri bilaterali”. Come evidenziato da un alto funzionario della Casa Bianca, Biden nell’occasione annuncerà un nuovo “significativo pacchetto di aiuti militari” a Kiev per quasi due miliardi di dollari, che comprende anche le batterie di missili Patriot. E’ la prima volta che Zelensky lascia l’Ucraina dall’inizio del conflitto con la Russia.
– foto – (ITALPRESS).
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